If you look around, someting is happening in the creative world that keeps the designer's coffee hot and warm. Everybody is in the Logo Makeover mode! well, not everybody. But in the local and international scene, a changing 'brandscape' is happening just under the hood. Pepsi has just quietly launched the new and modern Pepsi which keeps the debate still raging on on the critical mind's who's who of the design industry. The mortal question is still in the oven and on fire, What do you think of the new Pepsi Logo? Which is better, the old one or the new one? The Pepsi debate 'war' is not over yet and look who's in the arena; Seattle Best Coffee! I have here the image of the New vs the Old Logo of Seattle's Best Coffee grabbed from http://www.fastcompany.com/1651634/seattle-s-best-coffee-logo-is-a-blend-of-the-bland for you to see and decide which of the Logos represent the Brand very well. Fell free to leave your comment as freely as you can a...
g r a p h i c d e s i g n . p r i n t & w e b . s o m e p o r t f o l i o